"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Congressional Candidate Interviews

The Congressional Candidate Interviews

Over the past two months (and, continuing through out this year) I have had the honour of meeting and speaking with some of the people who would shape the future of this nation.. Through hard work and downright being a pain in the ass I have arranged as guest on my radio show Congressional Candidates running in this year’s election season. These interviews have spread to include the two co-founders of the Worcester Tea Party, a few individuals who have started Second Amendment Advocacy Groups and some one, I consider, an expert on this health care debacle: hell, I may get to score a Gubernatorial interview before the end of April.
‘Big deal’, you are thinking. ‘These blowhards always get to talk to anyone who will give them a soap box’.
True, absolutely true; so what is making these interviews so different? The difference is in the nature of the interview and the medium that affords that condition. This example now dominates and has supplanted the once reigning king of media known as television. I am talking about two media. Believe it or not, the youngest one of those media will turn over thirty by the end of this year. The other is my show on radio.
This is not a cheap, exultation of The Meat and Potatoes Show (ok, yeah it is in a way. Stay with me, you’ll see the connection) nor is this the usual historical gnaw of how revolutionary the Internet has become. We get it, it’s great. It gives us something else we have to pay for and maintain. Move on. What changes this card game is that this media is able to have a conversation with someone and lay down substance to the person interviewed. The guest is no longer bridled by a thirty second soundbite which, for almost sixty years, has been the defining moment of all candidates from City Counsel to the President. One goof and you are toast.
I have two friends, that I could only have met here on the web, who have interviewed several candidates already and the impact is astounding. I actually get to read, watch, and partake in a conversation that allows me to actually get to know the person. I cannot remember seeing any of that on television. Oh, sure, there would be those times on a Sunday talk show where some one was the ‘special guest’. Made me feel as if I should be humbled to be watching that segment of Lame Stream Media. These two friends have created these sites and arranged these interviews all on their own with little or no connection to any major network and no apparent connection to any party ideological bullshit. The impact of these interviews has been phenomenonal and will affect the outcome in November.
Steven Tucker, creator and owner of The Small Business Insurance Services (sbisvcs.com) and John Feeny, author, teacher and writer for the blog America’s Right. One has been a past guest on my show and the other will be coming on later this spring. Both have been pivotal in garnering support for the candidates poised to overthrow the Manchurians who have taken over our government.
The Tea Party Movement cannot be overlooked and branded anymore. Rachel Maddow, Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews can continue sticking their feet in their mouths. Thank you, keep up the good work folks, see you in television history. This movement has galvanized this nation more than 9/11 could have ever done. The multi party, the multi ethnic, cultural, pro life, pro choice, for the war, against the war events have created an entirely new concept in political protest. These protests are organized, funded and are the most moving and uplifting public forums I have ever seen (and may never again see) in my life.
Two of the founders of The Worcester Tea Party; Ken Mandile and John Niewiecki have been guests on my show also. John invited me to speak at this past January event. Ken has worked tirelessly to create a formidable, local movement and John is the one I call the moral compass that keeps the movement honest and non partisan.
Something like this has never existed before. Our collective notion of a protest movement has been defined (again) by television. The hippies and anarchists, flamboyant homosexuals and anti American Panther and Nation of Islam groups have only managed to frighten the public and strong arm government policy. Neither of those groups have done anything to better this nation as a whole but rather promote an agenda and legislation that is strictly their own.

Three years ago I was at a crossroads in my life. I stepped outside one late night and walked to a local 24 hour store for a coffee. I met up with an old ‘townie’ friend who was there. His name is William LeBlanc. He is better known as Capt. PJ to the locals and on his radio show at WCUW Radio 91.3 fm, in Worcester Mass. His show is called the Rockin’ Revolution and has an overnight slot Wednesday night at midnight. Simply, by chance, he invited me to come to the show with him the following week and asked me to help and maybe get some time on the mic.
I have never looked back and I am eternally great full to that man for all he has done for me. I truly believe that at that dark moment in my life God picked me up and sent me to get that coffee: for what has resulted is the birth and growth of my own radio show and it is here I make the connection I promised the reader earlier.
In February of 2008 the first solo broadcast of The Meat and Potatoes Show aired and with it came something never before done at that station. In fact, I regularly cruise other stations during the day and am hard pressed to find any others with my unique formula. That formula was to include a deep love of music that has been lost at other stations and replaced with rules, edited music and worn out hit songs (That is my main beef). I also decided from the opening to do a ten to fifteen minute piece called “The Diatribe” where I would brazenly call to the carpet the sickness of Socialism, Liberalism, Political Correctness and decay of our great nation. I wanted to talk to people on my show openly and without edits who shared my feelings.
I decided to include myself in the electoral process. From politically charged interviews on various subjects I have grown to encompass and focus on the candidates who will shape the scene in Washington next January. I have been called to service by something, or some one to play a part and help change those dynamics I have watched erode this country over three decades.
There must be something I am doing right because I am often in trouble with the management at the radio station. I post copies of “The Diatribe” on the large bulletin board in the control room and get a chuckle from the hand written ‘hate’ scribbles in the margins. I have been censored and almost fined for my disregard of the status quo. I will try my best to live up to my reputation.
I have interviewed candidates from Massachusetts to California. I have interviewed Democrats and Republicans. I have had hour long conversations with candidates from Larouchepac.com about economic policy and rebuilding the scientific foundation of America. I have laughed with and dug deep into the ideas of the Tea Party Movement. I have had ‘gentlemen’s bets’ on the health care debate. I will be at the April 15th Tea Party Rally in Worcester Mass conducting taped street interviews amongst the crowd.
None of this could not have been done had the development of the internet and the freeing up of media not occurred. The old walls have fallen. There is a reason why many network news organizations and newspapers are going the way of the dinosaur. They are dinosaurs! They can repackage all they want. The public sees right through it. They are sick of it. Everyone is mobilizing and everyone is taking a stake in the game.
Never again will the landscape of the political process be familiar to those who remain committed to the policy of partisanship and a media formulated of bias. This swing back to the right is no longer some cyclical, political trend. I believe it is a revolutionary turn for the course of this nation. A turn that will last well beyond the next election cycle. This Conservative movement will include Democrats and Libertarians and Republicans and Tea Party. It is, quite simply, an evolutionary process born not of ‘adaptation’ but of old fashioned growth.

Great people are seldom called to serve in times of need. It is that time of need that defines great people. All of the names mentioned here were just ordinary Americans carrying on in life and being good citizens. I was not being a good citizen before. I was selfish, addicted to drugs and very angry. I am sorry for that.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the Meat and Potatoes Show. Thank you to Capt. PJ., Troy Tyree Steven Tucker, John Feeny, Wayne Peter Campbell, Rachel Brown, Ema Rueter, Kesha Rogers, Summer Shields, Harley Schlanger, Dave Arthur, Reid K Smith, Chris Damico, Stephan LaPierre, Ken Mandile, John Niewiecki, John McKeag, John Dennis, Tom Wesley and Thomas Zaleski and Brad Marston. See you after the election when we all make history.
Thank you Rebecca M. Goodall. My friend, my love, mother and anchor who stood firm in all storms..I love you..

This has been the Meat and Potatoes Show on WCUW 91.3 fm and online at WCUW.ORG. By God’s will and only by God’s will shall I see all of you here next week..

….And That Is The Diatribe….