"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Does This Government Understand What They Are Getting Into?

Yesterday at 8:25pm

....I do not think this Obama guy or his Liberal Gestapo understand the American People. Does he really think we will rollover? Already the Congress, despite the Town Hall lambasting, will vote in Obamacare!. Do they realize that we will not sit down for this? Are they prepared for mass protests? Are the cops ready?

What will happen is this: mass protests, mass arrests, violence, bloodshed. People will die over this! Every hospital and doctor's office will be a wall of pissed off Americans. It will take the National Guard to hold back the tide decending on Washington. The news media will go apeshit! Patriots will be bloodied once again to stand against tyranny.

I do not think Pelosi, Reid and Obama are ready for this. Sure, they will target those few individuals who throw a molotov as the reason for these protests, but they will not see the true, underlying foundation of this revolt. It is on this short sightedness that reveals their Achilles heel and our Constitutional advantage. The sabotaged elections of 2010 will only add fuel to the fire already smoldering in this nation.

Parents are against a wall with the schools and Social Services telling us how to raise and educate, and (most important) dicipline our children. Home schoolers fed up with State ordered cirriculum are still ordered to comply with State Mandates or said parents are in breach of the law!

Then there is Iran. Has any one ever read a history book? Ever? History has shown that anytime a Liberal/ Democrat is in the White House the rest of the world decides to pull some shit! Clinton= Bosnia/Kosovo/Somalia. Carter= Iran Hostages/Soviets Invade Afghanistan. Roosevelt=Nazi's take over Europe/Japan rapes China/Pearl Harbor. Kennedy/Johnson= Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia's killing fields. Truman=300,000 Chinese kill thousands of American soldiers/Stalemate in Korea. Wilson=Ignores the Communist threat/ Talks peace with the Germans/WWI. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Meanwhile our enemies murder, invade, dictate, rape, genocide, make war. Changes the lines of the world map!

Today Iran cheers their new weapons and a military deal with Columbia...Obama..Wants to "wait and see".

Lets look at facts. Reagan= End of Cold War/Liberation of Grenada, Lockerbie terrorists arrested, Achille Lauro terrorists arrested, Democracy grows in Central America, Economic expansion. Bush #1-Berlin Wall Falls, Treaties with new Russian Republic, Gulf War 1, Panama freed from Pineapple face Noriega, Aquino elected President in Phillipines. Bush #2 Iraq and Afghanistan free democratic nations and Al-Queda on the run... Lets go back in time..Eisenhower, confronts the Soviets, expands ICBM technology that lands us on the moon, builds National Highway System. Nixon sides with Israel in Six-Day War, staring down the Soviets and brings Syria and Egypt to the negotiating table on Middle East Peace. Nixon also bombed the crap out of North Vietnam to bring us "Peace with Honor". He ended the war just like the lefties wanted..Only..On his terms..Jane Fonda was nowhere to be found when millions died under Communist rule of SE Asia.

So do not speak to me of Right Wing Conspiracies now. I will speak to you of history and what Patriots stand and die for!..From my cold dead hands shall you take my mic, keyboard and my weapon from me! Soldiers did not die for Social Services and "Conflict Resolution", Universal this or that and Diversity. They died for America.They died for our children's children to live in the fruits of their sacrifice!

Our dying grandparents weep at their wakes for us. They weep not for our sorrow at their passing but rather that we also must bear arms and fight an enemy they died preserving and that they never thought we would have too fight, but depend on. Our own Government.Does our President really think we will lie down? Someday I will tell you this from my jail cell.

...And That Is The Diatribe..

Friday, September 25, 2009

Charles Darwin Rolls Over

Charles Darwin Rolls Over

I have often said how George Orwell rolls over when we hear the rhetoric from Liberals and Government. I have sadly forgotten some one else. Charles Drawin.
This week, NASA has discovered, as we all knew, water on the moon. Why is this important?
We have spent the last ten years fighting assholes from some hole-in-the-ground country hell bent on keeping us in the 5th Century. We have spent those same years argueing about it.
The supposed Euro-Nations have cried ,"foul", in our attempts to stop it. Enviro nut-bags have told us we need to stop our onslaught of the Earth. Everything we hear is..STOP!!..
Meanwhile, the next step of human evolution awaits us..Out there..
Darwin is waiting. He sits alongside our founding fathers looking from Heaven at us and saying.."Hello!!?"
We will destroy ourselves. Not from a nuclear bomb or economic collapse, rather from apathy. We will end our rein on Earth from stupidity.
Everything we need; from food, to fuel, to economic development is ..OUT THERE..
We have reached that cusp of human evolution, just like our ape-ancestors who decided..Do we stand up straight and explore the grassland or fear the roar of the lion?\

How much will it cost? The lion. What if some one dies? The lion. We don't have that technology yet. The lion. We have too much to deal with now..The lion..

Want this world to embark on a new human evo/revo-lution? Complete with world Socialism at it's finest? Are you ready to make that leap?

Four Hundred plus years ago one one said.."What is beyond that horizon?"
Two hundred years ago, some one said.."What is over that western range?"

Today, we argue. Sure there are scientists and discoverers of the sea and sky. However, that is all there is. They are called just that. We all hear the discoveries and say.."oh yeah..anyway." We carry on with our lives.


The Solar System waits for us. This is God's gift to the next generation and our growth into the next Century... Human exploration, no, Human dominance of the resources of space.

Alvin Toffler who wrote the book, Megascience, spoke of a new era in human evolution. He called that next step, Homo-Technologicus. Man who conquers space and all its abundence. Children born on other planets.

So, keep going world. Keep argueing, keep fighting, keep on left and right. Keep on fundamentalists and terrorists. We could all make a difference. We won't. We are the dinosaurs of this era. We shall suffer their fate.

..And That Is The Diatribe...

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Catharsis

My Catharsis

I must say, I am truly blessed. I have been wracked over these several years with financial and legal issues that I never thought would dissipate. I think I can truly say that my ship has emerged from the storm with my sails intact.
I say this at the aftermath of an interesting weekend that included an intellectual duel, an onslaught of people interested in speaking with me on the radio and the epiphany that I have come to a point in my life where I have belonged for some time. It just took me awhile to get here.
I have come to some conclusions about life and our place in it. There is an old Vulcan saying. The universe will unfold as it should.
I used to relish in the fact that my life always unfolded as it did and I always found profit and progress in what ever God laid out before me. Over the past ten years I thought that somehow I should start controlling my life and getting some sort of direction established. After all, I had children to think about and a future to worry about. I have found that all that concern was the very thing holding me back.
I will not worry so much anymore. It was random chance that I ran into Captain PJ from wcuw radio. PJ had been a long time fixture in my life, floating in and out as time went on. A random encounter late one night in a 24 hour store down the road from where I lived has set me on a path that has only brought rewards I never dreamed of two years ago. In February of 2009 I began the Meat and Potatoes Show as its own broadcast and have networked my brand of radio genre to an ever growing audience. I have had the pleasure of meeting people I would never have met without this exposure. I would have never found the conduit to speak out politically if it were not for Captain PJ who agreed to intern me at wcuw in the late spring of 2008.
It was random chance that I was re-introduced to an old friend who would challenge me intellectually on political thought. Though our encounter was brazen, I wish now to thank that man for helping me in my catharsis. Again, if it were not for that random encounter, I would not be writing this now. Despite our argument, I was able to find something in myself that has existed for sometime, yet, was reserved and kept ‘on guard’. That something was my comfortability in what and who I am. That something was the realization that I have reached people and have become a radio show producer. For good or ill, I am the owner of the Meat and Potatoes Show and I must no longer treat this as a thing I do on the side, rather, who I am.
This show has evolved into writing, blogging, lining up interviews with people I never would have met before, discussing topics once left to private bantering in my own home, meeting musicians, promoters, activists. I have even re connected with old school friends. I am truly blessed.
This promise I make to myself. I will always perform the best broadcast I know how to do. That is all I need to do and God will do the rest. A gift I have been given. Thank you to all who have been a part of it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are wcuw 91.3 fm and online at wcuw.org. Great tunes from great bands, news commentary, interviews and the controversial Diatribe. I am Christopher A.W. Maider and this is, and shall always be, the Meat and Potatoes Show.

..And That Is The Diatribe…

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Tragic Tale of My Friend Robert

The Tragic Tale of My Friend Robert

A couple of days ago there was a Face book exchange between myself and a former classmate concerning 9/11, Obama, Irag, etc, the same crap I Diatribe about all the time. I have left the name of the classmate out of this because I think he is embarrassed enough, not by his comments of my own, but rather, the comments of a third party. It is here that the tragic tale of my friend Robert begins.
Apparently he commented also on my bantering as I invite all of you to do openly on my blog (meatandpotatoeswcuw.blogspot.com) and in my face book homepage. Like the rest of you, I receive them in my e-mail. Apparently, I deleted one of his comments from my e-mail. Somehow, his comment also deleted from the ’comment’ section on face book. How this happened, why this happened I am at a loss to explain. I assure you I did not do it. This upset Robert very much.
I opened my e-mail this morning to find several comments from him as well as spelling tips. How thoughtful of him to include those. I have been an active writer for over thirty five years and I still screw up the grammar and spelling. Oh well.
So, as not to upset Robert any more, I have posted every one of his comments here in “The Diatribe”, including his spelling tips. I have also posted responses to his comments as I deem appropriate. Some of his comments border on the personal attack category, I could care less, I know who I am and what I am and I am quite comfortable with my Libertarian values and political non ideology.
Again, I invite all of you to comment as you see fit on either my blog, face book or e-mail. Here is the exchange.

Robert Fenneuff also commented on : "Hey Chris - this comment makes no sense from a historical, political, or other point of view. It sounds like crazy non-intellectual banter. Socialism is not a movement, it is a form of political theory. No actual historian ( a person with an advanced degree in history) would subscribe to your point of view. Have you been pilfering Rush Limbaugh's pill stash?Education is the only way out of your intellectual mess."

Christopher’s rebuttal:
Robert, you are an intellectual bully. I am well aware that Socialism is a political theory. I said so in a past Diatribe written and read on the air months ago. I have been reading history since I was 9, you forget, my mother was a history teacher. This apple didn’t fall far. I could care less if an historian with a Phd subscribed to my point of view. Rush Limbaugh’s pill stash is safe from my hands. My educational achievements are clearly documented with the Department of Homeland Security, The United States Coast Guard Auxilliary, The Civil Air Patrol, Worcester County Search and Rescue, FEMA, NASAR. I was Lieutenant, a Search and Rescue Technician, skilled boat pilot and navigational expert.

Robert Fenneuff commented on your status: "I am so glad Wilson's opponent scored over 500,000 dollars for his next campaign in the first 24 hours after the rude and ignorant Wilson comment. I tried to email Wilson to tell him how absurd it was to lash out in that most dignified of forums, but his sight ws already crashed by thousands of other normal people"

Christopher’s rebuttal:
Raising money still doesn’t change the fact that Wilson’s outburst was the only truthful thing said in that whole speech.

Robert Fenneuff also commented on : "What happened to my comment about this uneducated tyrade throwing around terms like historian, socialism, etc.?Is this what happens to people who don't go to college?"

Christopher’s rebuttal:
I have no idea what happened to your comment, ask face book. I also, have no idea what happens to people who don’t go to college, I only know myself. What does going, or, not going to college have to do with having an opinion and the means and desire to bring it to fruition?

Robert Fenneuff also commented on: "Further, my name is Robert, not Liberal. It is not a personal attack to say you don't know what your talking about, it is an emprical observation.No historian (a person with an advanced degree in History), would make the claim about socialism inventing political prisoners. Socialism, as I said in that comment that appears deleted from this open board where people post comments (what ever happened to free speech?) is a political theory and not an actually implemented form of government). marxism is likewise, and anyone who has read or taught Karl Marx would know the difference. Have you read Marx? Marxism features, among other things, a moral argument focusing on the approriation of surplus value by the owners of the means of production during the labor process. Perhaps you can muck up this statement in your late night tyrades at the fringe radio station you call left leaning (note that they offer you a moment of free speech,unlike
the deletion of my previous comment)."

Christoper’s rebuttal:
Yes, I know your name is Robert, I never said your name was Liberal. I know you are not attacking me personally, you are just attacking my opinion in a personal way. The off handed comments on my lack of a college education have no bearing on anything in this discourse. I have never read Marx, I have never read Mien Kampht (sp Bob?)either. I don’t nead to read them to know that both political theories are now in the ash pit of history along with the millions dead that both theories expedited.
WCUW Radio is a left leaning station, it is a simple fact. I also have written and said on air many times how thankful I am to have my time there. Trust me, Robert, it is more than a ‘moment’ as you say. My show runs three hours and reaches an online audience in the thousands from coast to coast. I have conducted dozens of interviews with people of all political leanings and have promoted bands and social causes. My “Diatribe” is a pillar of the show and many listen and comment. In fact, the name, ’Diatribe’, is actually tongue and cheek. It is political bantering, so what? It’s my show and I will do as I please with it.

Robert Fenneuff commented on your status: "neglectful has one L"

Robert Fenneuff commented on your status: "threatening has one n"

Christopher’s rebuttal:
Thank you Robert, I copied and pasted your comments as they appeared in my e-mail, spelling errors and all.

Robert Fenneuff also commented on : "I searched and searched, and see that my comment was deleted. Is that how you go about... whatever this is called?"

Robert Fenneuff commented on your status: "This is a morally reprehensible comment."

Christopher’s rebuttal:

I agree, Robert, your comments about my lack of a college education and how that omission in my life negates all I have achieved are morally reprehensible.

….And That Is The Diatribe.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11--Written just before midnight

9/11--Written just before midnight
Today at 11:48pm Edit Note Delete
On this night, eight years ago, before I rest I will remember, I will never forget. So many, so many have been lost. I pray that they are not lost in vain by talk of retreat. I pray they are not lost in vain by talk of negotiation or by talk of some other strategy. These are the ghosts calling to us to never give up the fight that God has called us to.Why is this generation so easy to aswage? Why are we so wrapped up in our own rhetoric that we cannot see? Who is this man who leads us today? His party tells him to do something or this war will be his Vietnam. Well, if he listens to them; it will be. I hope he listens to the children left behind instead. I hope he listens to the now grown orphans of that day instead. I hope he listens to you and me instead.God Bless all of you reading this. You care, you think, you shall prevail. The chlidren lost, the families lost, the troops lost all are behind you and reaching out to you. Do not let them die in vain. This road is hard; they know.Those first heroes in Shanksville Penn.tell us that there shall be many more heroes still yet to come..........Let their loss be for nothing.....And That Is The Diatribe..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brave New World

It is no wonder that this Socialist takeover is going so smoothly for the Liberals. This is an experiment years in development. The dumbing down of our education system was the lynchpin to make this happen. That, and the fact that older generations are getting too old to fight and are, quite literally, dying off makes the newer generations that much more susceptible to indoctrination.
The experiment started with ‘political correctness’. The morphing of terms we all knew in society as general descriptions of things turned up-side-down to be more polite to those who were perceived as offended. Man-Hole-Covers were called Person-Hole-Covers, football team names were changed to reflect the new attitude to cultural diversity. These were all, seemingly benign changes. They were anything but.
The removal of Christmas from our schools, the removal of the Pledge of Allegiance from schools, the re-writing of American History to reflect the wrongs Anglo-Euro-Americans committed (solely concentrating on that premise) to further the advance of Socialistic Values are the stepping stones to this ‘Brave New World’.
I am an avid reader of Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Ira Levin, Alvin Toffler and I am well aware of the social changes that were predicted forty-plus years ago about where we have arrived today. Our children are routinely denied these great 20th Century works of literature.
But, you see, its all part of the plan.

If the Socialists can create an environment where children are taught what ‘they’ want taught, then it will be the present generation that has the difficult time existing in said society. That ‘present’ generation can easily be dismissed, their children chastised and separated (for re-education) and DSS can move in to declare those parents unfit and neglectful, based only on the framework of the new Socialist Value System.
In our schools we have system created to accept ideas such as: conflict resolution, cultural diversity, shared grades, purple markers for wrong answers instead of red markers because some one may have their feelings hurt. We even have counselors ready to talk to children who are raised by staunch Christian and other Fundamental Constitutional Rights Parents under the suspicion that some sort of abuse is going on in that household. A nine or ten year old taught to shoot by his/her father is labeled as an ‘at risk’ child. “Oh no, there are guns in that home!”
Today, children are given assignments in class about our new President. During the election some children were singled out because their families voted Republican. If any of these children were to write or report on Ronald Reagan or George Bush the left would run to the ACLU and have every Democrat on their side crying ‘foul!’ Yet, it is ok when it comes to Obama. He is the Saviour, he is the ‘One’.

If there is to be a ‘Brave New World’, our generation will have the hardest time living in it. We are the dead, our children are the dying. Without the strength and knowledge of past generations to steer us correctly we are doomed to crash onto the rocks. Those who speak out and defy will be the first to drown in the waves of change that overlap this sinking ship.

…And That Is The Diatribe.