"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fuck you--Scott Brown

So, he came in as an outsider, some one who would lead the Republican party to respond to the wishes of the American People.We were duped. As a supporter of the Tea Party, I watched this campaign draw out. Now I see the swooning of the media over him. We were wrong, do not make this mistake again America! Stop playing this age old political game!!
Once inside, he did what all politicians do... They play ball.
What America is looking for is a politician who does not play ball, but rather, one who changes the rules of the game. That is right! Change the rules. New Sheriff in town mentality.
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.." Guess what? We all got fooled again...
Scott Brown goes in 2012, I could care less if he cures cancer, he ignored his base and that stain is a stain on all free thinking Americans everywhere.
Are you candidates not listenning? Apperently not! You hijacked the Tea Party and spoke about being different and outsiders. You are moles. Nothing more, nothing less.
As a Tea Party Supporter and radio voice, I will expose all of you on my radio show.You all need to perform a.."Wait a sec!" Brown did what??..And he was elected by..Who?...Shit..I cannot make that mistake..That bastard is finished!
Listen to me America, Tom Zaleski, John Dennis, Kesha Rogers, Tom Wesley, Summer Shields, Rachel Brown, Christy Mihos, Tim Cahill. All of you.
This is not your seat! This is a calling from God and America's people. Our nation needs help and help fast!. Do your fucking job! I make no apologies for my language. I am an American and I will say how, what and whatever I want! Your salary is payed by me and other's taxes. You do what I/we say, not what you want!
So, get busy. Get busy actually solving the problems. Not just appointing some "commission": solve the fucking problems..Do the thing that no others have done in the past..Actually solving! Actually doing! Making the hard choice!
I stood up for Scott Brown and he fucked us! I will tear him down personally!. This is a warning! War is on the doorstep if you others do not do what we, America. wants!!

..And That Is The Diatribe..

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meat and Potatoes Soldiers Onward

Meat and Potatoes Soldiers Onward

I wrote once before in "The Diatribe" a piece entitled "My Catharsis". In that piece I wrote about gaining perspective on what I was called to do by fate, circumstance and (plainly) what God must have in store for me. No, I am not on some calling, just trying to say that I am at peace with what I am doing and my plans to make the best of what I am doing.

In fact, I have been waiting for that first roadblock, that first hiccup. It has arrived and I feel nothing but confidence and conviction of my course and what I will continue to do. Because, you see, I am better than my detractors. A detractor is nothing more than some one who has yet to become something better than themselvs and cannot stomach the existence of any one else who has discovered that very fact.

This rectal sore that has put The Meat and Potatoes Show in jeopardy is an example of what exists on our society today. The world is full of self righteous, self appointed stool pidgeons who have been educated by the likes of divorced, man hating, feminazi Socialist school teachers, cuckholded men, Hillary Clinton's "It Takes a Village", Opra Winfrey with her imagined sense of reality, Political Correction freaks and the, " ..I find that offensive.." crowd. These people are convinced that every one elses' business is their business and they must tell some one about it. They are paranoid, insecure and lonely people. Even our Social Services are designed on that premise of "...you have to say something, call this anonymous hotline number!.." My mother used to tell me people like that should be pittied. I agree. It is sad.

Anything worth doing is worth the risk, and the losses associated with it. I have had other events like this in my life. I was younger then I was stronger then. I should be tired of this shit by now. I am, actually, I was hoping that with age would come some rest. However, I have found a strenght that didn't exist then. I have become more informed, educated, read, I have friends and help of others who are reading this and nodding their heads.."yes!".

Think I have been silenced? I would rather be fired and removed from the air than oblige these penis warts. I will return to the roots of M&P2010 until the mud settles and the air clears. Then..Then, I will launch the next, great phase of my radio show where I take it until the dawn with politics, questionable interviews, controversey, great fucking music, and the all important "Diatribe". So I leave you all with this...

Ladies and gentleman, I am Christopher Maider, I am "The Diatribe", this is and shall always be The Meat and Potatoes Show. By God's will, and only by, God's will shall I see you all here next week on wcuw radio 91.3 fm and online at wcuw.org..Thank you and good morning...

..And That Is The Diatribe..

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Existence of Stooges

The Existence of Stooges.

It was another wonderful episode of The Meat and Potatoes Show. My fans had joined me, my friends had joined me online. The music was mixing perfectly. It was me, the microphone, vinyl and digital. I had even shut the lights off because I like the warm glow of the board in front of me.
Little did I know that amongst the audience crept a cancer. This is probably the worst form of cancer because it doesn't have to exist. It exists solely because small minded people choose it to exist. They feed it, they share it with like minded imbeciles and inflict its damage upon others who are just trying to have some fun, or do a job, or share an idea.

This puke kept in the backround, so it wasn't any wonder I did not know about it. How long this fecal scraping had been listening to my show is anyone's guess. It doesn't matter. It (yes I call it..It), finally made it's move on Friday, February 12th.

I received an e-mail from the station manager informing me that some one complained to him in a separate e-mail. The complaint centered around three main issues. The first is that I was playing too many tunes from a particular artist in violation of some programming committee's decision. The second was that I was not calling out the station ID every thirty minutes. The third was that I was on too late and should have signed off at two am.

I thought to myself.."Is this moron serious?" That is his complaint? How small is this idiot's genitals that he would e-mail my boss about something as infantile as that? Again, it didn't matter how long this festering sebatious gland had been listening, it's actions have inflicted consequences.

My show is effectively cut in half. My west coast, late night audience is done. See ya. The music will be fractionalized. The interviews; I planned on making a foundation of my show for 2010. They now will have to be spaced out to allow weeks where I just play music or, possibly phased out altogether.I am not sure yet.

You see folks this stool is exactly what I have been talking about in The Diatribe. This abortion is obviously a Liberal. How do I know this? Because no sane minded Conservative or fan of my show would do such a thing. I know that because I have done whatever the fuck I wanted on my radio show since its birth in the late winter of 2008 and no one has said a friggen word until now!

You see Mr Stool. I only deal in facts on my radio show and one fact is certain. You are a pathetic, intellectual amputee with the integrity of a wet paper bag. If you have a problem with something I am doing, come to me. I may disagree with you but I will respect you for cowboying up. Your chosen method of dealing with me is to undermine me and go behind my back. Well, Mr. Candidate for Dipshit of the Week I do not take kindly to mental midgits behind me. I have a tendency to pull what sub mariners call a Crazy Ivan. Every once and awhile I turn around to check my back. Now that I have discovered you there, I will be certain to expedite a solution to your insecurity.

This idiot reminds me of the same genetic mistakes I used to see all the time in High School. You know the ones, the cowards who run to the teacher because they saw you smoking a joint behind the bleachers. Then you get ambushed by Principal Fartwater and you are banned from the Prom. You want to find out who squealed and make them squeal more, but in a whole new manner.

You quickly realize, at that point, there could have been other courses of action to take. Mature and gentlemanly courses of action. They are, either confronting you personally (like a man) or just plain minding their own fucking business.

..And That Is The Diatribe..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Here is What is Going to Happen

Here is What is Going to Happen

We have heard the talk. We have heard about sanctions. The UN scrambles into passing letters of discontent! "We are very angry at you!"
The nation of Iran is on the cusp. Israel prepares. Why are we not doing so also? I am just asking?

Iran is speaking the words of war. We are speaking the words of apeasment and negotiation. Does anyone in this Administration read history? They claim to be college educated. I have been lambasted on my "Diatribe" about my lack of that esteemed prize...Yet, I ask a simple question.
Do you guys read history? I have. I pay attention to everything I read and what we have experienced. I am a researcher and a study of historical literature. I have also lived it! I am an old man. Apeasement means defeat and war upon those who choose that path. Simple, black and white. Sorry folks, this is the way it turns out..Always.

My mother taught me this. She told me to always watch and listen and learn: And watch..watch! Watch how our leaders try to explain away the reasons and the events that are in our faces and on our doorstep. Remember what our past leaders and Patriots did (at expence to their own lives, fortunes and family and beliefs) to actually solve these problems and put an end to them. That; for the better of the nation.

we ready? America?..Tell me I am correct? The clouds gather. Our nation has problems. Our enemies see that and are waiting to strike. I see hope in the surge of Patriotism. What happens when guns need to be loaded?.. Not just here to defeat the Socialists..But, there, to defend our homeland? Iran is aiming their missiles..

...And That Is The Diatribe...