"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rise of Secular Progressive Socialism

The more I expose myself to my growing career in radio and blog the more I have to expose myself to events, news, trends, etc in order to gain a sense of what is happenning and what I am going to write about and say on the radio. I always make sure to gain as much perspective as possible to create an informed opinion. One such opinion has to do with a statement I coin from time to time wich has to do with what I perceive is an underlying current of political movement that has been going on for a long time. The coined phrase is "..its all part of the plan". The underlying political movement is America's devolvment into Socialism.

One particular news event struck me especially today due to the fact that I had written about the same incident occuring elsewhere a few years ago. I actually had to dig up my old files full of past writing to locate it! The incident involved a child who drew a picture in class as part of a project titled 'What Christmas Means to Me'. Just as I wrote in the past Diatribe, all the children drew a variety of pictures; family, presents, trees, Santa, snow. One child, however drew a picture of Christ. Long story short, that picture was banned and not allowed to hang on the walls of the school. Fast forward, another pictures of Christ, only this time, it depicted Christ on the cross. Never mind the fact that the picture was banned it was deemed violent and Social Services were called in.

Similiar circumstances, same end result with one twist added; the incremental severity of public reaction and the use of government power to this second incident. School officials hid behind the "Zero-Tolerance" rule, Social Services hid behind their mandates. I was only seeing one more chipping away at our Liberty, but as I say.."it is all part of the plan".

I do not have the luxury of taking a year off to research each piece if legislation, town ordinance, school policy, agency mandates, policy changes to list them all in a dossier. Would make a great thesis paper, though, for a graduate student. One would have to go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson and The Progressive Era to start, Roosevelt and The New Deal, Truman's ineptitude during Korea, The Great Society, Nixon and welfare, on and on.. Like I said would make a great thesis paper.

One fact looms large when you combine all these points in history, couple them with social trends and toss in your own experiences on a local level for flavor. There has been, and, continues to be a slide towards Socialism. Like a tub draining of water; at first you see it but you think there is still plenty of water only now we are down to the last few inches and the water is gurgling down that drain pretty damn fast. So is our loss of Liberty. Bathtubs across the nation are pulling the plugs on freedoms. Free speech is hate speech or dangerous speech. Privacy is gone. Period. Everyone and anyone can dig up dirt on you and use it against you. Constitutionality is replaced with a false sense of practicality and security. Unions tell government what to do, not, the other way around. Government tells us what to do, not, the other way around.

Those last sentences are blanket statements to help form a greater picture. I want you, the reader, to stop for a minute and think about anything..Anything, you, or some one you know, something you have heard or read where this blanket statement applies. It will shock you and you will start to see my point. Why? Because it is all part of the plan.

Still not seeing it? OK, the notion is so simple it borders on paranoia. Here I go.

The more devolved of liberty, the more dependent on government, the more we let leaders, agencies, services, teachers, law enforcement dictate to us what is best for us. The more we fall deeper into Socialism. The years spent letting government pass all these laws that are supposed to 'help us' the more we become helpless. Once we are helpless the more government can get away with. Do you actually think the Saturday evening Senate votes are because they are working so hard to do what is right for America? They do it because we are helpless to stop them.

Political movements hold true to two paradigms:

1. Political movements that sweep into power or take it in a coup or by invasion never last long. Examples could be Hitler's Nazi Party, Mussolinni's Fascists, Saddam's Bathists Party. Even the Soviet Union couldn't last a century.

2. Political movements that evolve over time, inculcate the population, use a crisis to suspend civil rights, use the plight of the poor to promote legislation. They take their time, decades if need be; those movements tend to stick around and are harder to extricate.
Examples could be any democratic revolution from a political movement mentioned before, The Roman Empire, America's own imperfect Republic.

There are also two functions of both paradigms in dealing with opposition groups.

1. Squash all opposition via arrest, torture, genocide (Jews, Bosnians, Kurds).

2. Deny opposition credability via misinformation, hate speech, names put on blacklists (Tea Party groups, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, McCarthyism).

The paradigm that is taking over America is number 2. It has taken decades to get here. A snail's pace of degredation of freedoms has ocurred. There are whole segments of our society that promotes this and votes for it. They are called Liberals. I know some. You know some. They are convinced that government truly will do a better job than we will. Liberals even drag out their acedemic credentials to bolster such claims; child psychologists, social scientists, political scientists, environmentalists. The list is endless. All of these groups have affected legislation over decades and are now firmly rooted into every facet of government from Pennsylvania Avenue to Main Street No-wheres-ville USA. Even these groups and individuals all know...its part of the plan because they are shaping it.

The religious right can't hold a candle to these people. Besides, everyone knows they are crazy. The islamic jihadists thought Bush was an admirable foe? Let them try to force a burgua on Nancy Pelosi and she will stomp their ass! Any religious Theocracy runs counter to Socialism. In fact, the yearly war on Christmas isn't because of other religious groups finding offense to a tree display or a Manger scene on the town common, it the Socialists who are offended. Free expression of religion in any form is a type of personal freedom that empowers an individual. Socialism demands powerlessness and total dependence on the State. Muslims could care less about a tree at town hall, Jews just plain don't give a shit anyway. But a Liberal will go to the Supreme Court over 'Silent Night' sung by a school chorus!

There is no happy ending for the family of the second grader who drew Christ on a cross. That family is tagged now by the State. They will be watched. Future teachers will be informed and they will always 'red flag' that student (this exists! so called 'children at risk' dubbed so by Social Services are always watched for any sign of real or imagined parental abuse until 18). Global Warming skeptics in the science community are drummed out, financing cut off, jobs lost. Its all part of the plan.

You know, Katrina may have wiped out New Orleans. It is being rebuilt. Tornadoes wipe out whole towns, they rebuild. But, the Colorado River took millions of years to carve the Grand Canyon and it isn't going anywhere. So too goes Secular Progressive Socialism. It has taken its time and isn't going anywhere soon.

..And That Is The Diatribe..