"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Three Kinds of Women

...OK Ladies, weigh in......

There are thre kinds of women in a man's life.
The first woman is "The Bitch". She is the woman who (as you are painting the house, driving the kids, doing the dishes, cooking and laundry) tells you:
" You never do a f#@^*ing around here, My mother was right, I should have never married you!"
This relationship usually ends in divorce, murder, or some other sort of Domestic Court Case.

The second woman is "The Nagger". She is the woman who (as you are painting, cooking, etc) tells you everything you are doing wrong. All this from the livingroom as she watches Oprah. These relationships seldom end in divorce, just a slow demise and eventual death of the male.

The third woman is the one who gets your shit straight. She is the one you have children with. For example. You have three days off from work and she comes to you and says:
" Honey, I know you have three days off, but after you watch the game and catch up on X-Box, could you start to paint the house?"..We love these wopmen..We adore them, worship them and look at them from afar and smile and they ask, 'Why are you smiling?'..We say it is nothing.

But if the guy is smart and is a true "man" he will forgo either the game or the X-Box..Good God not both!! Are you nuts? He will start the painting and complete a major portion of it. His woman will think he is the world...That way...He gets LAID THAT NIGHT!!

....And That Is The Diatribe....