"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is It Over for the Tea Party, Now that They have Won?

It was like Saturday Night at the Fights (well Tuesday night). The opponent came out strong, but by ten o'clock EST the route was on. By midnight the scene would be of empty halls with the litter of campaign signs, disillusioned faces staring at tv screens as results were tallied.

Truly, the Tea Party had triumphed. Their losses were slight. Some held on in pockets of resistance and vowed to fight out the voter fraud in court, but, the first battle of the Second American Revolution was over. It is up to the victors to decide the path and whether we, as a nation, can do it again in 2012.

Can we stay focused and true to the ideals of the Tea Party? Do the 2010 elections mean the end of the rallies?. I sure hope not. America has an MTV attention span (next thing we have to fix) and will fall into complacency the minute the Tea Party hangs up the rally flag and settles on it's laurels.

If we allow the Republicans to run the game completely, we run the serious risk of the same mistakes the past super majority made, losing face as a political organization and inevitable defeat in 2012. The worst case scenario is the disbanding of the Tea Party and (quite probably) a political witch hunt of it's members and supporters. The rediculous and liablist rhetoric is rife through the media and Liberal institutions. They are not far from persecuting their enemies given a perfect storm.

However, if we spend all our time "watchdogging" the Republicans we also face a conundrum. The actual party itself becomes just like the Socialist Liberals we defeated. "Our way or the highway" mentality, at the expense of future voters as they watch the Tea Party become totalitarian. We can ill afford either scenario.

The solution, from where I stand, is that the Tea Party continue the pressure from the platform that got them where they are today. The streets. The rallies, organizing, keeping the heat on the sitting Congress. In other words, let me pose this in a question. When is the next rally guys, and where?? We must remain a visible and ever present force for a return to the Constitutional principles this nation was founded on. It doesn't happen overnight, or, in one election. This fight will encompass the next generation, if not, the one after that.

The American Revolution was won in a matter of years. Several times the fledgling colonies lapsed into complacency and many battles were simply horrible disasters. This Second American Revolution will be marred by defeats, to be certain, but complacency will be a death sentence for this movement and this nation will plunge into Socialist darkness for a century, at least.

Our great grandchildren will not know of our founding (or care), nor, will they know where, or, how to start a revolution. If they do, their spilled blood (as riot police shoot them down) will be on our souls dooming the Tea Party founders, supporters, this Republic straight to hell.

....And That Is The Diatribe....

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