"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One Fucked Up Religion

It was difficult to title this Diatribe as I did. I do not idlely toss epitaphs around for shock reasons. I do it as a result of listenning, learning, watching, waiting, experiencing. I base all I say in The Diatribe from facts. From those facts I draw out a particular supposition. I do not make a supposition arbitrarily and then call it a fact.

Americans are constantly told that islam is a wonderfull, peacefull religion. I am still waiting to see the adds on TV that invite anyone to a mosque like the adds you see for Latter Day Saints or Methodists. I am still waiting for the islamic community to openly, angrily and publicly speak out against terrorism and actually start turning in some of these idiots. One reason why you will never see any of the things I described is because mohammed instructed his followers to kill with impunity all non-believers.

In chapter 2:216 of the queran mohammed says ( I paraphrase), "Fighting is prescribed for you...which is good for you...then fight and slay pagans wherever ye find them...lie in wait for them...sieze them..beleaguer them..." Of course, if you convert to islam all is like a day of sunshine and ice cream.

In chapter 9:29-31 of the queran mohammed commands his followers to fight the Jews and Christians, :Fight those who believe not in God..until they pay the jizya(tribute) with willing submission.." So we have to pay to be muslim?

In addition there are nine volumes of books known as the Hadith (traditions) in which 238 passages exist that advance the cause of islam via the sword and jihad.

So, muslims, even the supposed peacefull ones, are not going to say anything to stop terrorism. It is against the word of the queran. In Great Britain shortly after 9/11 a poll was conducted among the muslim population there, overwhemingly they answered 'no' to a question about reporting suspected terrorists or suspected terrorist activities. They would not report the activity or individual.

I have spent my entire life watching video of screaming, chanting, flag burning muslims. A rumor that some one said something about mohammed and the cars start turning over and being torched..muslims dragged the body of a US Marine chanting and dancing in Mogadishu. American hostages were held, tortured and used as pawns in Lebanon for years. They murdered innocent Olympic athletes in Munich. Tossed a guy in a wheelchair off the deck of a cruise ship, blew up a passenger plane in mid flight, murdered Marines sleeping in a barracks on a peace keeping mission, and three thousand dead in NYC. This list is the tip of the ice berg of what this peacefull religion is about.

Now, before we get to the things America has done to hurt muslims, I have been trying to Google, research in a library, encyclopedia, history book all the times America has used suicide bombing simply because we hated some one. I cannot find any example of us targetting a plane full of civilians simply because they were, oh, say, black, or Chinese, or Hindu.

I wish to clarify, I only deal in facts and from facts draw out a particular supposition.

I remember, during the Gulf War, the famous CNN crew that was there the night of the Bagdad attack commencing the war. There was a book and a movie made about that time and that experience (Mickael Keaton was in the movie on HBO). There is a great scene where the camera man is filming a typical protest full of burning flags, chants and effigies. The comment is made to Keaton's character that he has no film in the camera. When asked why is he filming the camera man replies, "watch". He then lowers the camera and a sudden hush comes over the crowd, all chanting stops and the crowd is still. Then, he raises the camera back up and the cacaphony begins anew. Keaton's character walks away in disgust because he realizes just how much these people are controlled by their hatred and religion and how little control they have over reason and intelectual thought.
Why are the muslims so hatfull of America? Could it be the way we have treated them for years on end? What is it we are talking about here? How, specifically have we intentionally mistreated the muslim population of the world?
Could it be the time (when no other nation except the United States took the initiative) in Bosnia to put an end to the slaughter of muslims? Could it be the time we intervened in a civil war in Somalia and then fed starving muslims with the food we had already been sending? Maybe it was the time we protected the Kurdish population in Northern Iraq after the Gulf War. Saddam Hussien was just so nice to those people wasn't he? I know, it was the time we were invited by the kings of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to help them defend and take back land from invasion by (here is the kicker) another muslim. Freedom from tyrants and Democracy for millions in Iraq and Afghanistan was just a humiliation for muslims. Having looked at it in this context I can only draw one conclusion about islam.

That is one fucked up religion! In fact, I am willing to say that, most muslims, must suffer from some genetically predisposed dellusional way of looking at the world. One cannot function in a social strata normally by being constantly angry, constantly at war, constantly passing hatred onto your children, constantly preaching hate and glorifying death without being a little messed up in the old noodle! The women are subjugated from birth, sold, pre-arranged marriages, beaten whenever and wherever. Taliban hate all music, art, literature. Wahabis formal education is a madrassa where prayer is repeated for up to nine hours a day..That is just some crazy ass way of living my friend!
We always talk of bringing opportunity to these impoverished regions. Why would we want to? What company will put up cash, invest, etc, etc, only to learn of their new factory being blown up because a woman works there, or, an American owns a small share of stock. Here is the best one , the new company won't let them pray five times a day. I am sorry, your at work..Get to fucking work!! I get a fifteen minute break and a half hour lunch and I cannot even talk about religion!

The modern islamo-facsist is not interested in political gains, military victory over territory or even to create a better society for their own people. They are interested in the "umma". A complete world dominated by strict islamic law and the death and/or enslavement of non believers. Nice isn't it? The tactic used is called terrorism. It actually serves no geo-political/military superiority method of warfare. It is designed to wear away at America, slowly. It is designed to weaken our resolve every time we see a flag draped coffin come home (in this context, along with the Liberals, they are winning). If they can force America to pay more, to spend billions on war, constantly under fear of the next attack, they take us out of our comfort zone and disolves our sense of national security. We actually become a weaker nation.. Many islamo-facsist believe this is happening and are scoring big in the cause of spreading islam.
They are correct to think so. Our new President has little interest in staying the course. He feels we should negotiate with "moderate Taliban". Liberals liken our liberation of Afghanistan in the same column as the British, Soviets, or Alexander the Great. They fail to see the glaring difference, we are Liberators, not conquerers. Liberals will never allow any history book to ever say what we did in Iraq paved the way for late 21st Century Middle East Democracy. Liberals choose empty talk in the face of a nuclear Iran. The only Democracy in the world willing to face it down(Israel) is told they will be to blame if they strike first. This leaves Israel abandoned.

This new Utopian, green, universal healthcare, everyone is equal world we are creating isn't going to last one year if we do not confront and defeat unconditionally islamo-facsism and islam in general.If one billion of the Earth's citizens are willing to destroy the other five billion because a guy who died a thousand years ago said so and called it a religion then that religion is one fucked up religion..

..And That Is The Diatribe..

1 comment:

  1. So true Christopher. The truth is in the "Peaceful Scriptures" of the Qur'an & Hadith:
    By the way, how cool that you have a Blog!
    I'll be following and reading regularly. I too have a "Blogspot" Blog. You'll find it here: http://smallbusinessinsuranceservices/blogspot.com
