"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh, the Irony

It is interesting that we judge our Presidents on their past records before we hire them, then, wonder why the decisions they make are such a wonder to us when we see them in action. Why, are the, synchophants under them so impugned to the doctrinaire of the policy of the POTUS? It reminds me of the line from a Don Henley song, "...we get the Government we deserve." Most of the lackeys who work in the White House are going to bail on OObi The Clown anyway either this year or after his ACORN/SEIU funded re-election. They take the Golden Parachute and work as a lobbyist for some Shadow Government Corporation and the train keeps-a-rollin'. The American people are left on the platform waiting for a ride.

This Lame Duck session of Congress is anything but. They are using the last days of the Bully Pulpit to do everything for themselves and their friends from Soros Inc. It would be great to see the public take a position outside their homes after January and demonstrate. Nothing ever happens to these people in any event. The recent compromise from Obama on the extensions of lower taxes will most likely be seen from the Left as a capitulation to big business rather than a simple meeting of the minds acting in the best interest of the nation. Our elected officials do not have the right to hold hostage economic restoration because of party politics and desired goals. I think of the line in the movie, "Saving Private Ryan", where The character played by Tom Hanks is told that attacking a radar station is "not our objective..". He replies with ,"Our objective is to win the war!" Political desires are not the order of business here folks, it is to get the job of doing America's work finished.

I remember an incident I went through some time ago. Some one had come to turn off the electricity. I refused the technician entrance to my property and he left. A short while later police arrived with the technician. The police put on their gloves and took out the handcuffs. I asked why this had become a criminal issue and why they are here. This was, after all, a private issue with a private enterprise. They informed me (inaccurately) that the tech had "a right" to shut off my power. I thought this was odd. Being told to do something by a superior has become a 'right'?

In fact, it has, by decree and mandate. In addition, we have confused such declarations from Government and Law Enforcement as Constitutionally protected. That is impossible! How can a decree by committee (or worse, an individual) become a right? This onslaught of 'mandates' have soaked through society at every level. The irony is how much money has been spent advocating such changes in the law, while pigeon-holing the organizations fighting these laws and all the money they spend in the process of defense. Tobacco Companies are a prime example. Warnings were put on cigarettes in the 1960's so that the choice to smoke was squarely in the hands of consumers. The history of tobacco's financial importance to a fledgling American Colony meant nothing to the advocates hell bent on removing some one else's rights to do what is Constitutionally protected. Thus, we have the discriminatory laws against tobacco use in place today.

The entire mis-concept of mandates as rights has been around for a long time. It is taught in Universities under the standard of; " a law was passed in 19..whatever, that gives Gov't Agency A or B more authority to do C or D." These are not 'rights' they are orders handed down from higher up. They are advocated, lobbied by individuals or a select group of people wishing to impose their will upon society at large. The crazy thing is that all of this is ironic. It is ironic because the individual, exercising their individual rights, are scheming to remove some one else's individual rights. The usual mantras are trotted out on stage: Its for the children, protecting women, making us safer, saving lives, etc. No matter which way you present these laws they are nothing more than orders from some one who has no authority to issue them, demanded by a constituency that has no authority to impose them. These 'constituents' are everywhere, Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, Gloria Steinam, to name a few!

Individual rights? Freedom to choose? Wasn't that Roe vs. Wade? Does it only apply to certain areas deemed acceptable by some person, committee, or political ideology?? It does! At any point in your life you will find that your ability to depend on the Constitution for protection will vary, not from State to State, but from instance to instance. Any time you deal with any authority figure, whether it be a councilman, teacher, or cop; their position and Federal/ State issued mandate empowers them to decide in your favor or against your favor. Here is the rub, though, try defending yourself and you will soon find yourself on the short end of the Gov't stick. Also, hope the person you are dealing with is having a good day, or isn't angry at their spouse; any possibility is possible. Professionalism has nothing to do with a bureaucrat behind a desk making decisions.

Seldom will you have a pleasant experience when dealing with any one in a position of authority. The reason why people choose these careers are lost to me. If the original intent was to 'serve', then, something got lost along the way. I have been yelled at by police, train conductors, my kid's teachers, my own teachers, town workers, I even had an ambulance driver stop (while taking my mother to the hospital) and angrily tell me to not follow him. I'm sorry, was I supposed to take an alternate route? One time, while taking the train, I was told to take myself and my bike to another empty car. The conductor took my fair and told me he would give me my ticket once I was seated. Low and behold another conductor attempted to charge me again. I informed him of the situation. My God, it was like I was holding the train hostage. I received the cursing out of my life and almost got thrown off at the next stop until a simple radio call straightened everything out. Did I get an apology? What do you think?

These instances are not alone to me. They happen every day in the countless news articles across the nation. From a school that restrains a child, a burger shop sued, Christmas denied in a public forum, the denial of Christianity (by a perversion of the Constitution) over Islam under freedom of religion. The entire oxymoron of our modern day.

It would be well to remind ourselves of history and it's stonewall of permanence that we have seen this before and the results are less than what we wish they would be.. We tend to run smack back into it..

....And That Is The Diatribe....

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