"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Friday, February 12, 2010

Here is What is Going to Happen

Here is What is Going to Happen

We have heard the talk. We have heard about sanctions. The UN scrambles into passing letters of discontent! "We are very angry at you!"
The nation of Iran is on the cusp. Israel prepares. Why are we not doing so also? I am just asking?

Iran is speaking the words of war. We are speaking the words of apeasment and negotiation. Does anyone in this Administration read history? They claim to be college educated. I have been lambasted on my "Diatribe" about my lack of that esteemed prize...Yet, I ask a simple question.
Do you guys read history? I have. I pay attention to everything I read and what we have experienced. I am a researcher and a study of historical literature. I have also lived it! I am an old man. Apeasement means defeat and war upon those who choose that path. Simple, black and white. Sorry folks, this is the way it turns out..Always.

My mother taught me this. She told me to always watch and listen and learn: And watch..watch! Watch how our leaders try to explain away the reasons and the events that are in our faces and on our doorstep. Remember what our past leaders and Patriots did (at expence to their own lives, fortunes and family and beliefs) to actually solve these problems and put an end to them. That; for the better of the nation.

we ready? America?..Tell me I am correct? The clouds gather. Our nation has problems. Our enemies see that and are waiting to strike. I see hope in the surge of Patriotism. What happens when guns need to be loaded?.. Not just here to defeat the Socialists..But, there, to defend our homeland? Iran is aiming their missiles..

...And That Is The Diatribe...

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