"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 15th Worcester Tea Party Rally

April 15th Worcester Tea Party Rally

I waited patiently for this day to arrive. My taxes were already filed so April 15th was just for observation on my part. The Worcester Tea Party was gathering on Lincoln Square that day and I needed, no, wanted to be there.
For a small central Mass city there must have been over one thousand people there gathering on that memorial site. It was an appropriate site where past Patriots are memorialized and new Patriots gather, to keep alive, the staunch independence of the American citizen. I saw for myself the reality of the Tea Party Movement. It is a reality that is lost to the detractors, anti-protestors and the State Run Media.
In the crowd was a cross section of Americans. On the stage was mix of speakers from a Russian immigrant, who’s English was flawless, to a black Republican woman who did not apologize for being a Conservative. Across the street gathered the candidates who worked the crowd for signatures to get on the ballot for 2010. They stayed out of the way of the speakers and the main body of Tea Party supporters. I thought this was great. Unlike the Tea Party Express, which is quick to grab the coattails of Republican Candidates, the true Tea Party wishes to have no direct link to any one party and/or candidate. This policy preserves the independence and the mandate of “grass roots” that is the foundation of this movement.
I also think that this separation of both forms of Tea Parties confuses the left. I truly believe they think both parties are one and the same. Good, the better confused they are, the more they will get everything wrong each time one of them opens their mouths to talk about it. Far be it from me to shatter some one else’s disillusionment.
The left was present there and remained across the street. I saw one sign, simply drawn, that read; “I (heart) Socialism”. As I said, simply drawn with a mix of average and symbology exemplifying the precept that is Socialism. Another sign pontificated the need for taxes to pay for schools, roads, etc. We know this. As has been stated by many people I have spoken to over this past year we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. There was even the argument about the loss of healthcare from a lost job. The concept of Massachusetts Universal Healthcare never came forth in this individual’s argument.
I am not going to worry anymore about what is said on the State Run Media about the Tea Party Movement. The more people who attend each event and spread the word, the more the media will alienate their audience. The only worry is the power of the Socialists in Congress today. They may deem this movement too powerful and enact laws preventing it from gathering. Constitutional right of assembly be damned, they have already relegated the document to the status of “an artifact” in a museum.
All we can do is hold on and keep up the pressure. Never allow complacency a foothold. Stay focused on November then ramp up the pressure for the long haul to November 2012. I do not believe the party that gave birth to public protest in the 60’s is going to do everything in it’s power to discredit, denigrate and, possibly, outlaw the Tea Party Movement. The Secular Progressive Socialists will.

Independent thinking and American exceptionalism are the antithesis of what Socialism promotes. Besides; there are as many Democrats within this movement as Republicans who are not going to budge simply because of party affiliation. They are as fed up, disillusioned by Obama and the left, as you or I and are valued allies against the onslaught of misrepresentation by a government and media that has become dangerous and oligarchic in it’s zeal to establish Social Justice, Wealth Redistribution and Political Class Warfare.

….And That Is The Diatribe….

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