"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jesus Freaks

Jesus Freaks

I always run into these people. I have met them several times throughout my life. Now, the Fundamentalists would say that Jesus is trying to speak to me. He always speaks to me, don’t worry. I, simply, cannot get on board with a fanatical group of people who have chosen an addiction to Jesus.
A recent posting on FB was on the subject of what one person should read and if that would be in conflict with their religious convictions. Most responses said; yes it would be, others said something to the effect; no, as long as you do not live by those words. I have read countless material and books, I live by my own words0 regardless of what I read.
We live in an America where God is routinely scrutinized and removed from all facets of our daily lives and the history of this nation. This is wrong and we see the results of such Secular promotions in society. Children are lost with no spiritual foundation, schools dismiss students of religious convictions (unless they are muslim) and tell them to be quiet so as to not offend others (Liberals mostly).
Recently in the news there has been a dust up concerning the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas over military funerals and protests about gays in general. From what I can ascertain a father buried his son who served in the military and these idiots protested the funeral because the son was gay. In, fact, I am not even sure if that is correct..Doesn’t matter..It’s these idiots I am talking about here.
These meat heads are just as dangerous as the fundamentalist muslims who want to blow up everything Western to promote islam. It has nothing to do with God or religion but rather a mental condition in the heads of the leaders who are able to convince and convert stupid people into believing the cause these leaders foment. It is that simple.
I just finished reading a book entitled, Crusaders, Criminals and Crazies by Doctor Frederick J. Hacker. The book was first published in 1976 and is a collected medical/criminal/historical record of terrorism, fanaticism, serial criminals and religious zealotry that devolves into bombings, cultism and political strong arming that has rocked the 20th Century and, well, continues to this day.
It was a hard read to get through. It was full of medical terms, historical back rounds, geo-political shifts and the resulting anger and frustrations of various people who became the star players in these activities we have come to know so well. Many of them were religious based, or so they used religion as means to and end.
Every one of the groups or individuals mentioned were religious zealots and a little tapped in the upper quadrant of the cranium. They were able to employ various techniques of public persona, popularity, propaganda and an iron hold on followers who were not the brightest bulbs in the box.
You only need to look at any news footage from a muslim country and see the mindset that pervades that society. It is formidable, unstoppable and totally ingrained into the DNA of every man, woman and child. To them, all there is and all there will ever be are the dictates of the Queran and the local mullah. To many Western Bible thumping Christians, all there ever is and all there ever will be is what is in the Bible or what the Pastor tells them to do. The Bible (as the Queran) is the ultimate truth and the words are to be taken verbatim and never wavered from lest ye be smote.
I think of the various groups I have witnessed. David Koresh, Jonestown in South America, Scientology, Heaven’s Gate, the recent arrests involving Christian Militia who wanted to bomb Police Funerals, even that idiot Moon guy in Japan who bombed the subway with Sarin Gas (total fruitcake).
There was a documentary on HBO about a version of American Idol in Afghanistan. A woman was voted out and so she sang her last song. She made one horrible mistake, she danced as she sang. There are death threats on her life and interviews conducted on the street from the film crew proved this.
Death threats? All she did was dance? Are you fucking serious?
It is because of these religious precepts that a nation, like Afghanistan will never (mark my words) never be a viable, productive, member of the world community. I am not talking about “adopting Western ways”, or becoming a secular society..How about we just get with the program folks!! This obsession and addiction to living under the thumb of religious dogma is the antithesis of evolution and those people and nations who choose this path will (and should) fade off the path to human growth. They are modern day Neanderthals. That goes for Western uber Christians who believe that everything is Jesus and all there is is Jesus. It isn’t!
Fundamentalist Christians reject the Genome Project, reject the theory of other planets and possible life elsewhere, reject that God set into motion laws of physics that created the universe and our own Mother Earth. Early Christians and Missionaries raped the spirituality out of Native Americans who believed that The Great Spirit was everywhere, had always been and always would be and was in everything including rocks, trees, water, sky and air. That God was owner of the land not man. Christian schools still deny ancient customs and prayers.
The Taliban are notorious for stoning anyone with a cd player or records and charge them with idolatry, yet they love those modern weapons to kill infidels (go figure). School are routinely burned and bombed and women are raped and stoned because they dared to educate themselves or their daughters. They set dynamite (a modern western invention) and blew up one thousand year old statues carved by ancient Afghani’s because they deemed it an offence to Allah! These people are fucked in the head!
The nation of India still holds onto old religious ideas of the “caste” system and segregates it’s people into classes that deny them equal opportunity to a better job and a better life. We Americans whine about ‘gay rights’ while half the world still executes homosexuals. Where are your Liberal ideas now?
America has an invasive Social Services Agency that tags all parents who spank as ‘abusive’. Countries in Africa still practice clitoral-ectomies because of a religious order, force marriages, force feed girls to make them attractive to men in Mauritania. Where are the Liberal Child Rights advocates now?

Stop talking to me about religion and God and how all is easy and welcomed under the guise of ‘Jesus”. Religion is a bain on the human condition and has kept us locked into this gerbil wheel of never growing outside the box. Spirituality is the only release. Being a spiritual person is a transcendence above religion. One goes beyond dogma and truly sees the revelations of God. Study, education, reading, experiencing, moral compass are the tools to take us to a higher plain. You couple that with a foundation based on Providence, that God is your Master and loves you and will guide you and wants you to explore and be the best person you can be; there, there you will find enlightenment alongside the science and magic of life and universe that God has created for all of us to be a part of..

….And That Is The Diatribe….

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