"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

George Orwell, Revisionist History and Liberalism

George Orwell, Revisionist History and Liberalism

“The integrity of the news the American people get is essential to its Democracy.” Walter Cronkite.

As I get older and find that more years are behind me than ahead of me I am reminded of events that have transpired and how the debate surrounding those events unfolded. It was always difficult to separate fact from rhetoric and try to stay focused on the solution to a problem and not be mired in the cacophony from the left and the right whose volume only grew louder.
What I have always found fascinating is the ability of Americans to digest this bullshit and let it pass (yes, pun intended). However, some Americans take nutrition from this bullshit, use it to feed on their fears and/or self righteousness and has led to some of the most vitriolic, dangerous movements and activism that has polarized this nation forever. Entire strata’s of government have been created to dictate the rules according to these fears and self righteousness. Activists have been able to create awareness and laws that trickle down to our elementary schools. Laws that remove one value system and replace it with another, despite parental objections, are entrenched right into our family life.

The printed press has a history rich in never telling the whole truth. Sensational headlines and lurid details, indignation and rallying cries are the hallmark of the paper from yesteryear. The famous ‘Movietone” reels from WW II with the upbeat narrator and fanfare music telling of the triumphant victories of the Allies in France. None of these depicting the realities of the events they described.

Propaganda and censorship in Non Democratic nations is easy to spot and dismiss as lies. American propaganda and censorship is far more subtle and harder to discern. Censorship in North Korea is orchestrated by the government. Censorship in America is orchestrated by sales, ratings and which union or parent company gave which candidate their support.
Another way to tilt coverage of an issue, or event is to repeat the “talking points” enough times to sway the public into believing that is all there is to said issue or event. If you repeat a lie enough times eventually it becomes the truth. Not the truth in so far as facts are concerned but rather what the public believes. A famous line in the book 1984 illustrates this point. “We are at war with Oceana, we have always been at war with Oceana.” The late Mitch Snyder, Homeless Advocate from the 1990’s proclaimed that there were over 3 million homeless in America. He also stated that every 45 seconds a homeless person dies on the streets. Well, if you do the math that would mean that 23 million die every year. The facts don’t add up, yet Liberals were able to guilt the government into pouring money at a problem that was grossly exaggerated. Guess what? There are still homeless on the streets. The money did nothing but make the public believe that a national epidemic existed and line the pockets of advocacy groups.

The war in Iraq is a classic example of propaganda that is opposite of the facts. The war was a central theme in two elections with bullshit so thick a hazmat team was on standby every time a politician opened his/her mouth. Harry Reid said the war was lost, then, Senator Clinton told General Patreus that she had to “suspend disbelief.” That the Surge would work. Peace activists, mother’s of slain soldiers, even Mike Moore who tainted his film to hammer home the rhetoric could not overcome the facts that 20 million people were now free and had taken part in two (count them) two free elections. History will remember the average Iraqi citizen that braved bombings and terrorism to hold up the purple finger in solidarity for a free and democratic Iraqi Nation.
The story does not end there. During this whole time the left always questioned that the resources being used in Iraq should be used in Afghanistan. That was where the real war was, after all, right? Fast forward to now. The left is now gathering the steam to denounce the chances of a Surge working there also. President Obama has even called for talks with so called “moderate Taliban”.
President Bush wanted to plant the seed of Democracy in the Middle East. He was laughed at. Now, 9 years later we see Democracy in Iraq, a fledgling republic in Afghanistan, and last, but by no means least, the nation of Iran taking to the streets under threat of arrest and gunfire and demanding change.
History backs this up. During Vietnam the worry was that if Communism succeeded in Vietnam then the whole region would fall. Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) was laughed at. Shortly after the war ended, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, fell under dictatorships and/or Communist rule. Millions were persecuted for their role in the war. The left was wrong. Today the formula is in reverse. The left said

that the War On Terror was lost and we cannot bring Democracy to the Middle East. They are wrong again.
Despite what I say here it does not change the fact that the media will hammer home the worry and doubt that surrounds this point. In time, people, focused only on the talking points and leftist mantras will complain of our soldiers dying in a foreign land for, what? The public will believe the media mantras from the politicians. With a Liberal at the helm I fear that negotiations with terrorists will transpire and those who died since 9/11, Iraq, and Afghanistan will have died in vain. When that day comes America will once again have another Vietnam. Thousands dead and no victory to assuage the loss.

The school system teaches Multi Culturialism. The champions of this cause are the minority and PC Activists who claim bigotry still exists in America. The concept, that all of us have been taught, of America’s place in history has been replaced with apologies for the mistakes our past is guilty of.
My mother was an historian. She graduated, a single, divorced mother in her 50’s, with a teaching degree in History. She told me one thing to always remember. Never judge history from a modern day viewpoint. History is history. We can never change what happened.

The left has a different viewpoint.
Racism and bigotry is alive and well in America and we must stamp it out in the public schools where we can make the greatest impact. In the minds of children.

Christmas has been removed from schools, Columbus Day is not a day of teaching, but of reflection of the wrongs committed. The Civil War is not a war of right vs, wrong but how racism is integral to American life. Bi-Lingual classes are not Bi-Lingual at all. They are taught in the language of those who speak it.
I turn back to my mother. She grew up in a Polish Neighborhood in the late 1920’s. All the parents spoke Polish. My mother learned Polish from her childhood friends. (talk about multi-culturalism) The children attended public schools. The Polish children learned English at the demand of the Polish parents. My mother heard many times from the parents. ”You are in America now, you will learn English”. Why? Because they wanted the next generation to succeed! God Bless them.
We do not do this now. America is to be a Multi-Lingual nation. This makes me wonder?? If I moved to, say, upper Mongolia, would I afforded that same privilege? NO!!!
We have tailored our culture to be politically correct. We have multi lingual printing on everything we buy. Granted, some products come from overseas. That is fine. We must teach English only in our country. Affluence is not gained by holding on to old world languages. It is attained through a command of the language of that nation one chooses to do business in.

The Japanese will not even sign a contract unless the negotiator has a fluent command on Nippon. That’s their culture. Arabs will not speak to you if you do not have a command of Arabic, or, Farsi. The French always make fun of American tourists who just learned French from a book yesterday. Why must we apologize?

If I went to any of these nations, Despite my knowledge, if I do not hold a command of the language I cannot hold the position I was trained to perform. In America, we will bend over backwards to afford you that.
Multi-Culturalism, under Liberal thinking, segregates America and divides it. That is racism.

Environmentalists have told us we are destroying the planet. The planet can never be destroyed by man. Mother Earth has survived dozens of warming phases and dozens of freezing phases and giant rocks from space smashing her to a burnt ruin. Still, here we are.
Once again, facts get in the way of rhetoric. The truth is we are only concerned with our own asses. If we pollute the world enough we will destroy her, no, just us. We are the dinosaurs of the modern era.
Facts always get in the way. Plant life is greater now than has ever been in the last 200,000 years. Species die every day yet the Earth holds more species today than ever in its history. Global Climate Change is said to be caused by man. CO’2 has only raised by 3% over the last 200 years. Most of it from the last two volcanic eruptions; Krakatoa and Pinatubo. Also, the dust clouds formed have stabilized the warming by blanketing out the sun. The arctic is currently in a 100 year warming trend that has been recorded since the first expeditions in the early 1800’s. The North Sea was so warm in the First Millennium that the Vikings were able to sail it and establish a colony in North East Canada. Ancient Egypt had vast agricultural land all along the Nile, today the area is a desert. American Indian culture thrived in the southwest only to give it up due to climate change.

Clovis People in Early Meso-America had a hunting and farming culture and they disappeared due to climate change. Pre-Historic-Afro man migrated north assimilating with Neanderthals as the glaciers retreated due to; what? Global Warming! Don’t remember cars and oil being in production back then.

Should we keep the Earth clean? Of course we should. It is good stewardship of our home. But we keep hearing the doom and gloom of the Earth and what we are doing to her. Environmental activists always get guilt money from the government to support their cause. Most of that money goes to, well, administration and lobbying. Never to Mother Earth. Money is poured into these causes. The fact is we can do nothing to change what Mother Earth wants to do. Al Gore can fly in his corporate jet all he wants to fan the flames of global warming. In the end, God and Mother Earth will decide our fate.

Nations come and nations go. We, too, shall pass. I only defend this nation because I have to. I am one person living in this time of history. Some other nation will succeed us. Who, or what they are, we can only guess.
So I leave all of you with this. Do not believe anything you hear. It has been said before. Proven wrong. Do not believe anything you see. It has been seen before. Proven wrong. Do not believe the left or the right. Proven wrong. Believe in what has always been. Our world, progress, hard work, that our time is short, your children and that you will always be lied to and that you will always know that.

.And That Is The Diatribe….

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