"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Nation Speaks, Government Doesn't Listen

The Nation Speaks, Government Doesn’t Listen

Even before the ink was dry on the Obama election papers the nation was discontented and began to voice its opinion. It didn’t matter. The Stiff-All-Of-Us Bill was signed anyway. The promises made to post the bill ahead of time for us all to read were not kept. The promise of no earmarks was a farce. The promise of no new taxes for the middle class were a blatant lie. We allowed ourselves to be lulled by the words of a Socialist while the Communist side of his party lined up to take the seats they hold now. Calling Obama’s appointees “czars” could not be more appropriate.
As the months dragged on, our economy went down the toilet to the Chinese. Nothing was done to help this slide that made any sense to an average business person or an educated economist. Why? Because the Administration has no intention what so ever of returning the economy to any standard of any kind. The tactic is to Socialize the entire nation, establish total government control over your health, your children, your money, your speech, your media and your old age. In addition, it doesn’t give a shit what you think about it!
I have always known we were on this slide. I guess I am just shocked at my own acknowledgement that I was right all along. The slide is now getting steeper and faster. Despite the public outcry against Health Care it will get passed. The whole Kennedy Senate Seat Bullshit game was rubberstamped by Deval Patrick. The CIA has become a political pawn of the left. Negotiations with terrorists, setting others free, and deals to nuclear enemies will be the norm.
Tea Parties are charged by the media, with Pelosi on their side, as right wing fanatics. The 9/12/09 march on Washington will be a footnote to the left and it’s State run media. They will not listen to us, they have no intention.
We all saw the evidence unfold before our eyes. The eight years of unabashed rhetoric from the left about out troops, the war, Bush. Lies appeared daily in State run media with no one holding them accountable (save FOX News, who also became a target of the left). Bill Ayers, ACORN, Reverend Wright, Union control of ballots and TARP funds to corporate bonuses and vacations; it was all right in front of our eyes and we ignored it. Last year Massachusetts residents had a chance to end the income tax and we voted it down. This last August 1st a new hike to 6.25% to our sales tax went through without a peep of protest. We allow this to happen. You do realize that the Germans allowed this to happen in 1932. The Russian people allowed this to happen in 1912. The Venezuelan people allowed this to happen, Cubans allowed this to happen.
Honduras was the only nation recently to resist this. President Obama demanded the self imposed President for life of Honduras be returned. Obama called the coup-de-tat(demanded by the people and its Congress) illegal. Chilling that under a Socialist America, speaking out and resisting will be illegal.

It is not going to get any better. I have noticed that FOX News is routinely blocked on Comcast. Commercials run fine, just not the news. ABC will have Obama on for a full hour but will not run a 33 second add denouncing the Health Care Bill. Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glen Beck, Micheal Graham, Jay Severin, Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter are all targeted as whipping boys/girls for the State run media. Pelosi called the nation’s citizens Nazis.
Shortly we will become the dead. Our children will become the dying.

…And That Is The Diatribe.

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