"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brave New World

It is no wonder that this Socialist takeover is going so smoothly for the Liberals. This is an experiment years in development. The dumbing down of our education system was the lynchpin to make this happen. That, and the fact that older generations are getting too old to fight and are, quite literally, dying off makes the newer generations that much more susceptible to indoctrination.
The experiment started with ‘political correctness’. The morphing of terms we all knew in society as general descriptions of things turned up-side-down to be more polite to those who were perceived as offended. Man-Hole-Covers were called Person-Hole-Covers, football team names were changed to reflect the new attitude to cultural diversity. These were all, seemingly benign changes. They were anything but.
The removal of Christmas from our schools, the removal of the Pledge of Allegiance from schools, the re-writing of American History to reflect the wrongs Anglo-Euro-Americans committed (solely concentrating on that premise) to further the advance of Socialistic Values are the stepping stones to this ‘Brave New World’.
I am an avid reader of Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Ira Levin, Alvin Toffler and I am well aware of the social changes that were predicted forty-plus years ago about where we have arrived today. Our children are routinely denied these great 20th Century works of literature.
But, you see, its all part of the plan.

If the Socialists can create an environment where children are taught what ‘they’ want taught, then it will be the present generation that has the difficult time existing in said society. That ‘present’ generation can easily be dismissed, their children chastised and separated (for re-education) and DSS can move in to declare those parents unfit and neglectful, based only on the framework of the new Socialist Value System.
In our schools we have system created to accept ideas such as: conflict resolution, cultural diversity, shared grades, purple markers for wrong answers instead of red markers because some one may have their feelings hurt. We even have counselors ready to talk to children who are raised by staunch Christian and other Fundamental Constitutional Rights Parents under the suspicion that some sort of abuse is going on in that household. A nine or ten year old taught to shoot by his/her father is labeled as an ‘at risk’ child. “Oh no, there are guns in that home!”
Today, children are given assignments in class about our new President. During the election some children were singled out because their families voted Republican. If any of these children were to write or report on Ronald Reagan or George Bush the left would run to the ACLU and have every Democrat on their side crying ‘foul!’ Yet, it is ok when it comes to Obama. He is the Saviour, he is the ‘One’.

If there is to be a ‘Brave New World’, our generation will have the hardest time living in it. We are the dead, our children are the dying. Without the strength and knowledge of past generations to steer us correctly we are doomed to crash onto the rocks. Those who speak out and defy will be the first to drown in the waves of change that overlap this sinking ship.

…And That Is The Diatribe.

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