"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Friday, September 25, 2009

Charles Darwin Rolls Over

Charles Darwin Rolls Over

I have often said how George Orwell rolls over when we hear the rhetoric from Liberals and Government. I have sadly forgotten some one else. Charles Drawin.
This week, NASA has discovered, as we all knew, water on the moon. Why is this important?
We have spent the last ten years fighting assholes from some hole-in-the-ground country hell bent on keeping us in the 5th Century. We have spent those same years argueing about it.
The supposed Euro-Nations have cried ,"foul", in our attempts to stop it. Enviro nut-bags have told us we need to stop our onslaught of the Earth. Everything we hear is..STOP!!..
Meanwhile, the next step of human evolution awaits us..Out there..
Darwin is waiting. He sits alongside our founding fathers looking from Heaven at us and saying.."Hello!!?"
We will destroy ourselves. Not from a nuclear bomb or economic collapse, rather from apathy. We will end our rein on Earth from stupidity.
Everything we need; from food, to fuel, to economic development is ..OUT THERE..
We have reached that cusp of human evolution, just like our ape-ancestors who decided..Do we stand up straight and explore the grassland or fear the roar of the lion?\

How much will it cost? The lion. What if some one dies? The lion. We don't have that technology yet. The lion. We have too much to deal with now..The lion..

Want this world to embark on a new human evo/revo-lution? Complete with world Socialism at it's finest? Are you ready to make that leap?

Four Hundred plus years ago one one said.."What is beyond that horizon?"
Two hundred years ago, some one said.."What is over that western range?"

Today, we argue. Sure there are scientists and discoverers of the sea and sky. However, that is all there is. They are called just that. We all hear the discoveries and say.."oh yeah..anyway." We carry on with our lives.


The Solar System waits for us. This is God's gift to the next generation and our growth into the next Century... Human exploration, no, Human dominance of the resources of space.

Alvin Toffler who wrote the book, Megascience, spoke of a new era in human evolution. He called that next step, Homo-Technologicus. Man who conquers space and all its abundence. Children born on other planets.

So, keep going world. Keep argueing, keep fighting, keep on left and right. Keep on fundamentalists and terrorists. We could all make a difference. We won't. We are the dinosaurs of this era. We shall suffer their fate.

..And That Is The Diatribe...

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