"....with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Does This Government Understand What They Are Getting Into?

Yesterday at 8:25pm

....I do not think this Obama guy or his Liberal Gestapo understand the American People. Does he really think we will rollover? Already the Congress, despite the Town Hall lambasting, will vote in Obamacare!. Do they realize that we will not sit down for this? Are they prepared for mass protests? Are the cops ready?

What will happen is this: mass protests, mass arrests, violence, bloodshed. People will die over this! Every hospital and doctor's office will be a wall of pissed off Americans. It will take the National Guard to hold back the tide decending on Washington. The news media will go apeshit! Patriots will be bloodied once again to stand against tyranny.

I do not think Pelosi, Reid and Obama are ready for this. Sure, they will target those few individuals who throw a molotov as the reason for these protests, but they will not see the true, underlying foundation of this revolt. It is on this short sightedness that reveals their Achilles heel and our Constitutional advantage. The sabotaged elections of 2010 will only add fuel to the fire already smoldering in this nation.

Parents are against a wall with the schools and Social Services telling us how to raise and educate, and (most important) dicipline our children. Home schoolers fed up with State ordered cirriculum are still ordered to comply with State Mandates or said parents are in breach of the law!

Then there is Iran. Has any one ever read a history book? Ever? History has shown that anytime a Liberal/ Democrat is in the White House the rest of the world decides to pull some shit! Clinton= Bosnia/Kosovo/Somalia. Carter= Iran Hostages/Soviets Invade Afghanistan. Roosevelt=Nazi's take over Europe/Japan rapes China/Pearl Harbor. Kennedy/Johnson= Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia's killing fields. Truman=300,000 Chinese kill thousands of American soldiers/Stalemate in Korea. Wilson=Ignores the Communist threat/ Talks peace with the Germans/WWI. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Meanwhile our enemies murder, invade, dictate, rape, genocide, make war. Changes the lines of the world map!

Today Iran cheers their new weapons and a military deal with Columbia...Obama..Wants to "wait and see".

Lets look at facts. Reagan= End of Cold War/Liberation of Grenada, Lockerbie terrorists arrested, Achille Lauro terrorists arrested, Democracy grows in Central America, Economic expansion. Bush #1-Berlin Wall Falls, Treaties with new Russian Republic, Gulf War 1, Panama freed from Pineapple face Noriega, Aquino elected President in Phillipines. Bush #2 Iraq and Afghanistan free democratic nations and Al-Queda on the run... Lets go back in time..Eisenhower, confronts the Soviets, expands ICBM technology that lands us on the moon, builds National Highway System. Nixon sides with Israel in Six-Day War, staring down the Soviets and brings Syria and Egypt to the negotiating table on Middle East Peace. Nixon also bombed the crap out of North Vietnam to bring us "Peace with Honor". He ended the war just like the lefties wanted..Only..On his terms..Jane Fonda was nowhere to be found when millions died under Communist rule of SE Asia.

So do not speak to me of Right Wing Conspiracies now. I will speak to you of history and what Patriots stand and die for!..From my cold dead hands shall you take my mic, keyboard and my weapon from me! Soldiers did not die for Social Services and "Conflict Resolution", Universal this or that and Diversity. They died for America.They died for our children's children to live in the fruits of their sacrifice!

Our dying grandparents weep at their wakes for us. They weep not for our sorrow at their passing but rather that we also must bear arms and fight an enemy they died preserving and that they never thought we would have too fight, but depend on. Our own Government.Does our President really think we will lie down? Someday I will tell you this from my jail cell.

...And That Is The Diatribe..

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